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Writer: brillopediabrillopedia

Author: Vartika Rawat, III year of B.A.,LL.B(Hons.) From NMIMS.


This research paper contains the power of media in reference to different types of media and its uses . Media holds a huge role in drawing the attention of the public . Media plays a huge role in influencing the public interest. To show the role of Media in democracy this paper contains the importance of public opinion and public interest . Also for showing the evolution and development of media it shows the background of media .

There are many influence-rs who show their living style to the public who admire them and this let happen because of advertising media . It also combines the political conflicts and concerns . The media can spread any information through various sources such as internet media , print media and so on . The role of the media in advertising also shows consumerism . This paper shows the power of the media in both informing and manipulating the public according to their interest . And it ends up with a conclusion which shows some of its pros and cons .


In general, the media refers to the equipment of mass communication . The media reaches over a millions of people a day . Due to its incredible target market and the effect it has, the media has been capable of extricating public opinion . The media’s effective effect may be visible through its portrayal of its foremost activities just like the Vietnam war, The Spanish American wars and numerous others . Through the years the position of the media in post affairs has modified as its effect has grown . The attention of many studies on how media originated and its effect on numerous ancient occasions . Media nowadays includes television, internet, cinema, newspaper, direct mail, fax, and the television .

Today, our existence will continue to be incomplete without the media. At this time, media and television radio and the internet beautify our information through presenting to get admission to statics from all around the world . We also can obtain exclusive varieties of information day by day activities via media, nearly instantly for example, via the internet. The media can provide us facts and information about anything falling under our interests. Media can also help us to raise our voice and shoe our interest by letting us show our interest and point of view .

Background and evolution of media

The record of media starts with the software of printing press to e book manufacturing from the mid-fifteenth century onwards in Western Europe . Initially, printing becomes truly a greater efficient opportunity to the copying of manuscripts text through hand written texts.

Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries in Western Europe and North America, the records of the media changed into certainly considered one among war towards regulations on booklets waged within the call of political freedom and human rights . A new measurement of media became bought with the aid of using the discovery of latest media at some stages in the 19th century, mainly electric telegraph , then the phone and wireless, which caused public radio broadcasting from 1920 own words .

Broadcast media had been maximum intently regulated of all media almost anywhere throughout the 20th century and that they have by no means executed the diploma of freedom loved with the aid of print media . Since approximately 1980, new kinds of distribution with the aid of using cable and satellite tv for pc have brought about the outstanding enlargement of media at greater comfortable regulatory regime .

Types of media

PRINT MEDIA : This kind of media was more popular earlier during the 80s and 90s . This helped the public in gaining many kinds of information . Such political news, recipes, books of different genres for their interests . This includes newspapers, magazines, books, banners, billboards, brochures and flyer s . This is also known as written media.

BROADCASTING MEDIA : This media includes the audio as well as video . This type of media is somehow more entertaining than print media . Many, those who are not literate can’t enjoy print media, but this broadcasting media can be more enjoyable as well as entertaining than print media . This includes television, radio, and movies. This provides entertaining as well as informative content for those who cannot read and write as it was so beneficial earlier.

INTERNET MEDIA : This is the most influencing as well as powerful media in today’s time . Also this is the most followed media . This media is the sum of both above media as this includes both written as well as visual content. We can find every type of content here and through this platform one can also share his thinking and interest with many others. This has converted in a platform for many talented people through social media .This powerful media includes social networks and websites, online forums, and podcast.

Role of media in democracy

A loose, objective, professional media is an important issue of any democratic society . On the only hand, it gives the data which the polity requires to make responsible, knowledgeable decisions. Also it helps to make checks that elected officers uphold their oaths of workplace and marketing campaign guarantees and they perform the needs of the electorate.

The final aim must be to engender diverse, plural and credible voice supplying statics and opinion to the electorate. An evaluation of the issues dealing with the media is essential in order that the perfect program is evolved . This consists of expertise in political, economic, and technical concerns. One of the only protection towards restrictive regulations can be self law via way of means of media, and responsibility evolved through unions.

Though, many media related act have passed so it has become more powerful in today’s time. Media helps to get things more transparent to the public and let them know everything according to our interests. Media also brings up awareness in public by confronting them about what's happening in society . This also gives power to the general public to speak up for their rights, the media can also question any of the authority regarding their work and keep a check for things happening correctly or not , in the favour of the public or not.

Media in advertising

Effective marketing refers to informing the general public approximately the proper product on the proper time via proper medium . Conveying the proper message via a in correct medium at the in correct time might truly be a waste of resource . Media influences the public a lot .

Through media a seller can sell every product by showing them its properties and qualities. Most of the media influence the public at the level that they get ready to purchase a certain commodity which is not even their need . People follow big influence-rs, actors, cricketers and admire them a lot. The media takes advantage of the same and shows their advertisements on television to let the public buy it . Many times it is beneficial to get to know about the product we are using but still through the media all get fools about the thing they are .

For example many soaps and cream claim that they’ll give pearls like white to every girl but in actuality that’s the fake one. Media can manipulate an individual so easily that no one can understand or find out .

Rights of media

On May 3 we celebrate World Press Freedom Day. This act helps the government to remind that that press freedom is a reflection towards the media professionals. In our nation the media get the full right of speech and expression.

Media can ask any politician about their commitments and oaths. As no one can defame the media for doing so. Article(19) (a) gives a person the right to speech and expression through which anyone can express freely about their thoughts and beliefs . Media has the power to get to know about all the political decisions and questions and confront it to the public. Media have the full right to speak, express, and investigate.


In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages of media. If the media shows us reality hidden behind anything then it also manipulates us about something. No doubt the media is the most powerful weapon in today's world . Media also contains individual authority and advertising and plays a huge role in building the reputation of influence of any market products .It gives full support to consumerism by showing them graphics through their advertisements and movies that the public love to watch and get attracted towards the commodity which the seller wants to sell. Media plays a huge role in supporting democracy also as it let us know what our government is doing for us and what not.

It keeps a good check on the government as they are taking care of commitment and oath what they have taken in front of the public for taking care of them. Media also gives the normal public for putting their point of views in front of everyone as we have the right to speak and express. On the other hand Media can be biased also that it may be of supporting the ruling party or some big business associates. As I conclude from the above paper, the media can influence people positively as well as negatively and this is the power of the media.


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