Palani Selvi M, B.Sc.,
Today the world is facing the biggest pandemic, COVID-19 (CO stands for ‘Corona’ VI stands for ‘Virus’ and D stands for ‘Disease’ and ‘19’ for the year 2019). The corona virus affects the lifestyle of the people and the economy of every country. On the other hand, the worst affected sector by this pandemic is the education sector. Social distancing is the only precaution to prevent the COVID-19 but there will be a mass gathering in schools and colleges; it will help the virus to spread easily. The COVID-19 had spread to over 185 countries and resulted in the closure of over 90% of all schools and colleges.
Due to this pandemic, nearly 1.38 billion students’ education was spoiled. Semester exams for the college students were cancelled except for the final year students and the term exams for the school students were also cancelled. The closure of schools and colleges will result in the loss of knowledge of the students and also lead the institutions to become unable to pay the salary to their teachers. Several entrance exams and competitive exams have been postponed due to the fear of this disease. Thus, all the schools, colleges and even coaching centres are forced to teach their students via online. But not all the students will be benefited from these online classes.
The positive impact of COVID-19 on education
1. Saving of time
To go to schools or colleges the students need to wake up at least two hours early in the morning to dress up and to the bath. But now they are learning from their house, it results in saving more time and no one will distract them.
2. The rise in blended learning
To teach in online the teachers require becoming more technology savvy, they have to adopt a new method of teaching like through PPTs, videos and go through some training to bring them to the level that would be required.
3. New norm
It is a great opportunity for the companies that are providing e-learning. Even certificate courses are being provided for different subjects with a minimal cost, many free webinars and debates are conducted to improve the knowledge of the students.
4. Healthy interactive
Students from all over the country will have connected in a webinar or a debate. It is the right time for the students to grab more knowledge through webinars and debates.
The negative impact of COVID-19 on education
1. Some institutions are not taking online classes
Not all the institutions are teaching their students through online, there are some institutions that have denied from taking online classes for students. Another worst effect was caused by the examinations and internships of students.
2. Cancellation of school exams
Due to COVID-19, the 12th board exams (for left out subjects) and 10th board exams were cancelled and the results were given based on their internal assessment only, this will affect the toppers because they cannot score more marks and the students those who are absent for their internal assessments.
3. Students from a poor family and remote areas
The online classes had also been a problem for poor or middle-class students, as they wouldn't have any smart phones or laptops in their home. The students from remote areas are also affected as there are no internet services in their area.
4. Unprepared teachers for online education
Online learning is a special kind of methodology and not all teachers are good at it and not all of them are ready with the sudden changes.
5. Practical studies
Laboratory-based practical studies like engineering and medicine are as important as that of theory part but due to closure of colleges it is not possible to teach the practical through online and it is a big loss to those students.
6. Stress
As all of them are in their home, every school student will miss their school life and the college students will miss their enjoyable moments in their hostels. So the students are feeling stressed, many of them started to play video games to reduce their stress but it will affect their eyesight and their academic performance.
Everyone knows that online education can never replace traditional education. But it is the only option in this pandemic situation. However online education will help the high-class people and the people having good internet services, it never helps the poor students and the students from remote areas. The main important thing is the interaction between the teachers and the students will also get affected.