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Writer: brillopediabrillopedia

Updated: Nov 10, 2020


Sheetal Kandpal, V year, Asian Law College, Noida

“All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well’_ Julian of Norwich.

Covid19 which is also known as coronavirus has created the whole world into chaos and disruption. This word will never be forgotten until our last breath. Now we all are familiar with this word and its effect. Coronavirus is that kind of disease which was spread over by China to the whole world as a curse. An outbreak of Novel Coronavirus first began in Wuhan, China.

Corona disease is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered Coronavirus. This disease has threatened every person in the world. The most common symptoms of Coronavirus are

1. Fever

2. Dry Cough

3. Tiredness etc.

If we talk about past diseases faced by countries, it would not be wrong to say that Covid19 has outplayed them in various ways and is shaping human life differently

For clarity, it merits clarifying what “Pandemic” signifies. According to The World Health Organization (WHO) a pandemic is “the worldwide spread of the new disease.”

Now, I will talk about other infectious diseases which took many lives and are still an epidemic.

1981-present: HIV

Since the mid-1980s, HIV has killed more than 32 million individuals. Toward the finish of 2018, around 37.9 million individuals were living with HIV.

Even though HIV is additionally brought about by an infection, there are noteworthy contrasts between the two current pandemics; the clearest being their transmission methods. Dissimilar to SARS-CoV-2, this is the infection that causes COVID-19. HIV can’t communicate through hacks and sniffles.

2009–2010: H1N1 swine flu

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), between April 2009 and April 2010, the swine flu pandemic infected around 60.8 million people. There were also around 274,304 hospitalized and 12,469 deaths.

Both swine flu and the novel coronavirus cause symptoms such as fever, a cough, and headaches. This isn’t the situation with SARS-CoV-2; all age bunches are seen to probably contract it, and older adults are most at risk, this strain of flu, as COVID-19, Communicated through respiratory droplets.

As with COVID-19, matures were most in danger of creating extreme side effects. As a distinct difference to covid19, Spanish influenza additionally affected kids younger than 5 and grownups matured 20-40.

COVID-19, however, generally affects children in relatively minor ways, and adults aged 20–40 are significant ways. Thereby, convening the idea that symptoms are mild in children.

So it would not be wrong to say that Covid19 is the only disease which turned all commercial activities at standstill.

It locked people into their houses, but when we look at the situation before Corona, everybody’s life was busy and now, it has drastically changed.

This Virus has given a new challenge to the whole world. The most powerful countries like India, United State Of America, Russia etc. are in contact with this virus and they are helpless because no vaccine has been found to fight with this evil disease except wearing the mask, maintaining social distancing, doing sanitization on a daily basis etc. New Challenges have been introduced by this Covid19 disease in front of every country for running their activities again which was stopped during this pandemic situation. On 24 March 2020, The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced nationwide lockdown for 21 days, limiting movement of the entire 1.3 billion population of India to prevent people against the COVID-19 pandemic in India. There has been no end to the challenges being faced by the government. A difficult situation is yet to be faced by the government concerning unlocking the whole nation and its aftermath. As the virus continues to subsists, challenges are arising at a pace towards the government.

These challenges are as follows:

1. Challenges for Government.Challenges For Common People.

2. Challenges for Corona Warriors like- Doctor, Police, Medical Staff etc.

3. Challenges for Laborers.

Challenges For Government

All the strategy of the government has been changed during this pandemic situation. The first incredible steps which were taken by the government were to lock India for saving the life of the people from Covid19. That was the biggest challenge for the government to stop all the activities except essential services. Before 21 days lockdown imposed from 25 March, Mathematical modelling put the number of expected cases in India between 300 million and 500 million by July end, with a peak somewhere in April and or May of 100 million cases, with to 10 million (10%) requiring hospitalization, 5 million recovering, 5 million needing critical care and 1 to 2.5 million death. After the lockdown, these numbers are assessed to descend by about 80% with 1 million requiring basic consideration, including ventilator support. There were several things which need to be fulfilled by the government for examples-: PPE kit, Increasing Medical Facility like increasing of beds in hospitals, more medical staff, mass production of face mask and sanitization and last but not the least awareness about the disease through various modes like advertising about this pandemic, awareness among the people by the P.M Narendra Modi through the various campaign.

Challenges for Corona Warriors like Doctor, Police, Medical Staff etc

In India, during the nation's fight against SARS-COV-2, one of the nicknames of Humans is Sankat Mochan (one who saves you from inconvenience). That is the path a large portion of us have valued every one of the individuals who have gone to our guide during the ruin brought about by Covid19.

The Doctors, Nurses, Ward boys, Pathologists, Pharmacists are in fronts stricter standards came to be actualized, the police officer came in front and gave basic supplies and made their essence felt; milk, vegetables, staple, paper, water, power, media transmission and banking among others. Postman started delivering cash and essentially the media started awareness campaigns and gave other assistance to the affected persons.

A couple of these Corona heroes have faced the challenge of their lives in administrations of these people who had assaulted them. Still, they are doing all the things which could save our nation from this evil.

Challenges For Common People

Common people who were living their life with simplicity have suffered a lot in this lockdown pandemic situation most of the people became jobless and after the arrival of this epidemic, people are left with no alternative. Already there are so many jobless people in this unemployment environment. People had not the only issue with jobs but other things also like travelling from one place to another place, what to do at home during this lockdown, people were mentally disturbed too. If we look at the positive side of the people, we will see their creative skills being put onto motion for earning their daily bread via uploading motivational, cooking, painting, dancing, singing videos.

Challenges for Laborers

On 23rd March, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, announced nationwide lockdown for managing the spread of covid-19. While India's population of 1.3 billion individuals dealt with the progressions of upheld social separating India's 40 million traveller labourers had an alternate arrangement of difficulties to

Because of the dubious idea of work occupations in India, numerous daily wage workers who are frequently lost their business because of lockdown.

This has made issues including starvation, partition from family and no elective types of work the interstate migrant workforce represents the lowest paying and most insecure jobs, in the key sector such as construction, hospitality, textiles, manufacturing, transportation, services and domestic work.

Impact of Covid19 on Businesses And Trade

Notwithstanding its effect on general wellbeing, Covid19 sickness has caused a significant financial stun. The outcomes recommend that the pandemic had just caused enormous disengagement among private companies only a little while after its beginning and before the accessibility of government help through the Corona virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES). Across the full sample, 43% of businesses had temporarily closed, and nearly all of these closures were due to COVID-19. The organizations detailed having decreased their dynamic work by 39% since January. Effects likewise shifted across enterprises, with retail, expressions and diversion, individual administrations, food administrations, and friendliness organizations all revealing work decreases surpassing half; interestingly, fund, proficient administrations, and land-related organizations experienced less interruption, as these businesses were better ready to move too far off creation.

A Shift In Lifestyle During Covid19

Firstly, Covid19 has given a huge boost to online learning both in the metros and non-metros. Online training has a significant lift. Instructive establishments, business associations among others, have taken online training to another level by offering classes, instructing and courses in an imaginative method to keep their crowd snared at these times of lockdown. In India, understudies and experts are pursuing on the web classes-from placement tests like JEE, NEET, CLAT or for upskilling, the interest has developed complex. According to reports, courses on cybersecurity and data science have witnessed a jump of 15% in March. A few schools the nation over have begun online classes.

Schools have guaranteed that virtual homerooms seem as though typical study halls with hours loaded up with exercises and schoolwork.

Individuals have begun paying attention to individual cleanliness more. People have started taking personal hygiene more seriously. The practise of washing hands, sanitizing things before use, that started as a compulsion is becoming a habit. Wellbeing and cleanliness brands have met people's high expectations and have begun mass missions to spread mindfulness on tidiness. Spitting in public is a crime, subject to fine.

The third major change which came was for the working class is Work From Home (WFH). It has now become an aspect of our life. Many companies in India have been practising this work from the home system very perfectly. Covid19 has taken it to another level with practically all organizations asking its workers to WFH.

Lesson to Be Learnt

Over the past 7th month, Covid19 has emerged as a public health threat around the world. "Even with affliction, we have a decision. We can be bitter, or we can be better. Those words are my North star.”- Caryn Sullivan. This is something which is a perfect match for all of us in this pandemic situation. Though this pandemic created a lot of distractions in everybody’s life, if we talk from a positive point of view then no one can deny that the nature of our country has changed in a good way. Pollution is decreasing and the real nature is coming out of it, rapid urbanization and our incursion into forest lands, has created a new interface between humans and wildlife. With covid19, nature is sending us a message that we need to recognize the interrelationship between animals, including pets, livestock and wildlife. The people are fighting it with positive vibes and less fear, the necessity of keeping oneself sanitized is regular and less pollution due to fewer vehicles on the roads.

While some western, customary or home cures may give comfort and mitigate side effects of mellow COVID-19, there are no drugs that have appeared to forestall or fix the sickness.

WHO doesn't suggest self-prescription with any medications, including anti-toxins, as a counteraction or remedy for COVID-19.

Be that as it may, there are a few progressing clinical preliminaries of both western and conventional prescriptions. WHO is planning to create immunizations and medications to forestall and treat COVID-19 and will keep on giving refreshed data when exploration results become accessible.

Every problem comes with some lesson to teach us how to fight and manage our mind with these problems. This situation is the same. We need to learn something with this covid19 disease and to overcome our threat while taking precautions like wearing the mask, maintaining social distancing, doing sanitization etc. Until a definite vaccine comes on the market, further to support those corona warriors saving our lives like a God.



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